Come riparare un backup di iPhone corrotto e ripristinarne i dati

Recuperare i dati da un backup di iTunes corrotto è difficile ma non impossibile, e messaggi come "il backup è corrotto o non compatibile con il tuo iPhone che viene ripristinato" non significa che i tuoi dati siano "persi in modo irreversibile". Hai una grande possibilità di recuperare automaticamente i backup corrotti con iPhone Backup Extractor.
Di solito è semplice recuperare i dati da un backup di iTunes corrotto non criptato. I backup corrotti crittografati sono più complicati, specialmente se mancano i "file manifest", in quanto descrivono come sono stati crittografati i dati nel backup e sono essenziali per il processo di decrittografia.
I backup possono essere danneggiati a diverse estensioni. Ad esempio, l'esaurimento dello spazio su disco nel bel mezzo di un backup, un guasto del disco rigido (o Dropbox che mangia i file!), Un aggiornamento di iOS errato o un'interruzione dell'alimentazione durante il backup possono influire sul backup in diversi modi.
Ci sono una manciata di errori che potresti ottenere quando un backup è corrotto. Diamo un'occhiata a causa e soluzione a ciascuno.
iTunes ripristina gli errori che indicano la corruzione
iTunes non ha potuto ripristinare l'iPhone perché il backup era corrotto o non compatibile con l'iPhone che è stato ripristinato
Questo primo messaggio è semplice e ti dice che hai a che fare con un backup corrotto. Ogni tanto, quando iTunes esegue il backup di iOS, è possibile che questo processo non riesca senza un messaggio di errore. Può succhiare per scoprire che hai un backup corrotto solo quando provi a ripristinare con iTunes. Non è troppo difficile ottenere i tuoi dati come nostri: consulta la nostra guida su come ottenere i dati da un backup iPhone corrotto di seguito,
iTunes non ha potuto ripristinare [iPhone] perché la sessione di backup non è riuscita
Questo errore è simile al primo e indica anche che hai a che fare con un backup di iTunes corrotto o incompleto. La causa è simile. Consulta i nostri suggerimenti per il recupero dei dati dai backup danneggiati di seguito.
iTunes non ha potuto ripristinare perché iTunes non riconosce il tuo dispositivo
Questo terzo messaggio richiede che tu controlli di utilizzare l'ultima versione di iTunes, che il tuo cavo USB sia collegato correttamente (e non danneggiato) e che non ci siano software di terze parti che interferiscono con iTunes.
Se quanto sopra non funziona, questo problema può essere risolto in genere utilizzando la modalità di ripristino . La modalità di ripristino cancellerà il tuo dispositivo e lo ripristinerà: se hai precedentemente eseguito la sincronizzazione con iTunes o iCloud potrai eseguire il ripristino dal backup dopo il ripristino.
Il caso peggiore è che c'è un problema fondamentale con il dispositivo iOS che stai connettendo. Se - e hai un dispositivo di riserva - prova a usarlo. In caso contrario, possiamo aiutarti a estrarre i dati da un backup di iTunes corrotto. Continuare a leggere!
L'iPhone non può essere ripristinato. Si è verificato un errore sconosciuto
Questo errore è un errore generale per una serie di problemi diversi. A seconda della causa sottostante, ci sono un certo numero di soluzioni:
- Usare l'ultima versione di iTunes (e non una beta!) È un buon punto di partenza: l'aggiornamento, se non lo si è già fatto
- Gli utenti Windows possono trovare un aiuto per il riavvio (se si segue il passaggio precedente e si aggiorna iTunes, è necessario riavviare comunque)
- Ripristino totale del telefono ed esecuzione di un ripristino in modalità DFU
- Apple pubblica un breve documento con ulteriori suggerimenti per questo errore
Se non ci riesci, consulta la nostra guida sul recupero dei dati da un backup iTunes corrotto di seguito.
È necessario un aggiornamento software per connettersi a iPhone
Questo messaggio implica che è necessario un aggiornamento per connettersi all'iPhone, e non è chiaro dal messaggio se ciò significa che è necessario aggiornare il PC o il Mac o l'iPhone. È il computer a cui si riferisce .
Gli utenti ottengono spesso questo se stanno eseguendo una versione beta di iOS, ma non stanno eseguendo l'equivalente beta di iTunes. In tal caso, il pulsante "Installa" non funzionerà. Si dice che sta scaricando un aggiornamento per un po 'prima che fallisca, dicendo "Installazione fallita. Impossibile installare il software perché non è attualmente disponibile dal server di Aggiornamento Software." La soluzione è installare l'ultima beta di iTunes.
4 trucchi per riparare un backup iPhone corrotto e recuperare i dati
iPhone Backup Extractor è progettato per aiutarti a ottenere i tuoi dati quando un backup non può essere ripristinato correttamente tramite iTunes. Apre i backup di iTunes e iCloud ed estrae dati preziosi, anche se il backup è stato danneggiato.
1. Usa la gestione della corruzione integrata di iPhone Backup Extractor
Anche la versione gratuita di iPhone Backup Extractor ha un sacco di intelligenza integrata per gestire i backup corrotti, e può essere che possa estrarre i tuoi dati normalmente.
Prova i collegamenti rapidi per l'estrazione dei dati da "Panoramica" e guarda le nostre guide convenzionali sul recupero dei dati di iTunes .
Se la panoramica non genera ciò che ti serve, ci sono altri due approcci da provare.
Controlla la scheda "Anteprima" per vedere se i dati sono disponibili per l'estrazione. Se i dati sono disponibili, puoi fare clic sul nome dell'app, selezionare i messaggi necessari e estrarli nel formato desiderato. Come sotto:
Anteprima dei messaggi Utilizza il menu "Estrai" per esportare i messaggi disponibili in formato HTML o CSV, come mostrato nello screenshot seguente:
Estrazione di messaggi con il menu "Estrai"
Dati come contatti, messaggi e foto possono ancora essere recuperati dal backup corrotto, anche se i passaggi precedenti non funzionano. Non perdere la speranza - andiamo più in profondità ...
2. Usa la modalità esperto per recuperare i dati di iPhone da singoli file
Se l'approccio diretto non funziona per te, puoi comunque utilizzare "Modalità esperto" e "Visualizzazione app" per recuperare i tuoi file dal backup. Dati come contatti, calendari, messaggi SMS, posizioni e note sono memorizzati in file specifici nel backup e, se si pescano i file, iPhone Backup Extractor può convertirli in formati leggibili.
Carica il tuo backup con iPhone Backup Extractor, quindi naviga in "Modalità esperto" per individuare i file che rappresentano i dati necessari. Abbiamo un articolo su dove le app memorizzano i loro dati in un backup di iTunes che sarà utile quando sapremo dove cercare.
Una volta ottenuto il file necessario, puoi convertirlo in un formato leggibile:
Fai clic sul menu "File" in iPhone Backup Extractor
Seleziona "Converti DB messaggi in CSV", "Converti DB contatti in vCard" o l'opzione più appropriata per il tuo file
Utilizzando il menu file per convertire ... L'app esporterà i tuoi contatti e messaggi.
Recupero riuscito!
3. Sposta il backup iPhone non criptato per foto e video
Puoi ancora trovare foto e video nel tuo backup di iTunes anche se il processo di iTunes era incompleto e portato a un file di backup corrotto. Affinché questo funzioni, il backup non deve essere stato creato con la crittografia.
Prova questo:
Trova la cartella di backup in questione (puoi fare clic con il tasto destro del mouse sul backup in iPhone Backup Extractor e scegliere "rivela la cartella che contiene")
Crea una copia dell'intera cartella : la modificheremo pesantemente ...
Ordina i file all'interno per dimensione e rimuovi tutti i file più piccoli di 300 KB
Scarica e installa Bulk Rename Utility : è gratuito e perfetto per ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno qui
Apri "Bulk Rename Utility" e vai alla copia della cartella di backup che hai creato, quindi selezionala
(senza punto) aExtension Section (11)
(con punto) usando il menuAdd > Suffix (7)
Seleziona tutti i file nella finestra in alto (appariranno in verde)
Fai clic sul pulsante "Rinomina" e tutti i file selezionati verranno rinominati in file
Bulk Rename Utility in azione Nella cartella in cui li hai salvati, seleziona "Visualizzazione miniature" in Esplora risorse o Finder macOS - ora dovresti essere in grado di vedere quali file sono foto, poiché verranno mostrati con le anteprime
Spostare le foto recuperate in una nuova cartella sicura, quindi ripetere il processo dal passaggio 5 con altre estensioni di file come
fino a quando non le hai recuperate tutte
4. Affidati agli esperti di Reincubate per farlo per te
Se nessuno degli approcci di cui sopra funziona o se diventa troppo tecnico, puoi sempre contattarci . Ci piacerebbe aiutare. Il nostro team di supporto probabilmente ti chiederà di condividere una copia dei tuoi "file manifest" con loro, e di seguito abbiamo un pannello informativo con ulteriori informazioni su di essi.
di unplugged
Dear reincubate professionals,
I desperately need your help because Apple does not. I summarized the situation below. Is there any possible way that I can try to recover my photos and videos:
On the date 7 September I saved a backup of my phone to my PC via iTunes. The next day (8 September) I wiped the phone and left to the service for battery change. After receiving I wiped the phone again and then I choose to restore from backup at the beginning. However iTunes asked me a password which I never entered for backup (I don't recall that I ever entered a password in iTunes). I tried the password of the phone and my Apple ID password but never worked. I searched online the case and someone suggested to enter Apple ID credentials on iTunes. At that stage iTunes sent an authentication code to my phone and I had to open my phone set as a new phone. Than clicked the button "change password" below the encrypt iPhone backup section. At the moment iTunes synchronized my phone because at default that option was set on iTunes. It appears to be the backup of my empty phone was overwritten on previous backup. I managed to restore from that backup but my whole photos, videos and contacts was gone.
When I look into backup folder I see a large amount of data which is approximately 45GB. And last change dates of the most files are 7 September which is my first backup date. I think my data is still kept in my computer but I cannot access them. I think when iTunes overwrite the empty backup it changed the manifest.db file and some other files then the old files are not recognized by iTunes. I installed the iPhone Backup Extractor but no photos are found. Then I tried to chance file extensions by bulk rename utility however no images are shown I suppose because of encryption.
Is there any possible way to restore my photos and videos from that backup folder. Or are they gone for good?
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards.
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hi unplugged, thanks for commenting. Yes, there are a number of things we could try here. We've reached out to you directly. In the meantime, make sure the remaining files are safe from modification, and that any Time Machine backups that you may have from the time won't get overridden.
di vardhan
Hi.. I recently sent my iPhone 7 to get the audio IC replaced. Before giving it to the technician I took a backup on itunes and wiped it clean. While the iphone 7 was with the technician, I restored the same back up to my old iphone 6S plus for use. This worked perfectly and im cureently typing from the same phone. But i had to manually delete a lot of photos and videos from my 6S as it was a 64GB. ( Roughly 5000 images + 100 videos deleted)
Now my iPhone 7 has returned after getting fixed. I tried restoring from the same back up via iTunes and it gives me the following error " iTunes cannot restore the iPhone "iPhone" because and error occurred".
So i tried all the usual stuff, updating of iTunes and the iPhone 7, restarting the devices, using different usb ports and different usb cables.
I even tried restoring the same backup to my Wife's new iphone Xs. The entire process went through for 1.5 hours and right when it was about to finish itunes gave me and error "itunes cannot restore iphone "iphone Dee" because the backup is corrupted"
I think i have tried all possible options but came up with no luck. I would really really love to have that entire backup as it was...Can you help?
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hi vardhan, thanks for commenting. I think we can probably help here: we're emailing you directly now. 👊
di Lola
This month, I recently upgraded from a 4s to an iPhone 6s with Verizon-I was assured my back up would go well especially with the additional 50mb I bought on icloud; well after 7 days of back and forth at Verizon & their techs talking to Apple support one was able to explain why all of my photos were lost from my 4s to my 6s to include all of my photos that I thought were safe in my photo stream on my iCloud account. Can ANYONE please help me?
This Friday, 12/16/2016, I have to break it to my middle school students that their images for the town & school paper that were safe & sound on my iCloud account are now GONE. All that remains is a their ghost of images past....a screen shot of the back up where a grey box appears with the number 837...the mysterious location where the Verizon tech assured me that the images do live on are-in fact, somewhere'...
Can anyone help me to find out where they are & make them reappear?? It would surely be a Christmas miracle that would make about 90 middle schoolers very happy.
Happy Holidays.
Thank you so much.
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hi Lola, we're sorry to read this! Might you have an old iPhone backup on your PC or Mac? Failing that, we have a few tricks up our sleeve to recover photos from iCloud that aren't in the app. Drop us a note and we'll see what we can do. 👩💻
di Francisco
My itunes keep saying not enough free space on computer, can't restore my iphone. I'm trying to restore my old iphone with the same backup, just to take it back and update to iOS 9. And then trying to backup again and restore my new iPhone 6s Plus with it. But the main thing it's i got 270gb free on my Mac, so I don't know what else to do. Please help I don't want to loose all my photos and data. One more thing, when i tried to restore my new iPhone with that backup, said it's corrupt or not compatible. Help!!
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hi Francisco, things can get difficult when you've got a lot of data in a backup but little space on your PC or Mac. One solution might be to use an approach like this to move your iPhone backup into a folder on another drive (or a USB stick) and restore from there. Reach out to us if you need help!
di Lahmiekah
I just got had to swap my phone due to issues on the phone when I try to restore from my backup it say corrupted or not compatible
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Oh no! Have you followed the steps in the guide? If so, and you're still stuck, drop us a note or ping us on live chat. 🙂
di Ryan Pollock
Does this work in australia? I lost my iPhone 6, but luckily backed it up not long ago. Insurance have sent me another phone but when I plug it in it gives me the dreaded error saying that it is corrupt or uncompatible. I need all the files on the back up and your free version idenitifes all the files to be extracted. How much does it cost for you to put it onto my new IPhone. I am at a complete loss
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hey Ryan, it sure does. If things are getting fiddly, please drop us an email through our support page and we'll jump on a screen share with you to help sort things out. 🙂
di Robert Rayner
I need a way to extract music and eBooks from a corrupt backup, any ideas?
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hey Robert. iTunes' music isn't stored in a backup, and won't be available there. However, eBooks are, and so is music from many third-party apps. Which apps are you using for the books and music?
di Dave H
How do you extract a voice memo from a corrupted backup?
risposta di: Reincubate Support
The simplest way is just to click "Recordings" on the main iPhone Backup Extractor window when your backup is selected. Alternately, you can find them in iPhone Backup Extractor's "Expert mode" in the folder described here.
After doing the ios 8 update on my Iphone 5 it started acting up. On and off every two minutes. Only 180 pictures were backed up into icloud from 2000. i trie backing up the rest but phone turn off and on. Can some one help me recover my pictures. they are very important because they are from a loved one that passed away. please help!
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hi Patrick, I'd recommend backing up with iTunes, and then restoring that way. It's a lot quicker, and it's much easier to verify all of your data is there.
di Glenn
I used time machine to replace the corrupted file that wouldn't allow me to backup from the restore files, figured out which of my iTunes backup files to replace, then clicked on that folder with all the files in it ( I figured it out based on the date modified as I had several from various iPods and an iPad and clicked on get info of each of them to figure this out ) Go in to
library/application support/mobilesync/backup
di Kevin McCarthy
Is it possible to restore messages back on an iPhone
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hey Kevin, there sure is: check out this guide.
di Val Hill
Got a new iPhone 6. Tried to restore it from iTunes. No backups were found in ITunes. Found the backup folder on my PC but three of the
files are missing.Status.plist
is the only one I have and it looks incomplete. Need some help..risposta di: Reincubate Support
Uh-oh, missing files indeed. Drop us a note and we'll guide you through recreating those missing files.
di Andre Ivasenko
My Iphone backup was corrupt. Please help me to restore data. I found physical stored data (10GB) on my lop top. I need help to backup this data on my iphone 5. There are very important files: app - gflash, and my contacts. Please help me to restore data. Thank you a lot.
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hi Andre, no problem. The guide above should help with accessing the backed up data, and this guide should help you restore is. Does that help?
di CO
After being able,to extract those data from corrupted files, can theses data able to import back to the phone for data like SMS, WhatApps, other App database?
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hi Chanco, yes, they can. We've got a guide on restoring that data here.
di Stacey
I am trying to recover some lost voicemails using iExplorer. There are 4 backups to my phone and all are damaged. Is there a way to fix that or get the voicemails back from the damaged backup file? Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. The voicemails are from my gramma who passed away. Thanks.
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Yes, try iPhone Backup Extractor. If it won't automatically recover them for you, ping us on live chat and we'll help you get them back manually.
di Jeffrey Nebot
I backed up my iPhone 5s IOS 7 in preparation of receiving my iPhone 6. I tried to restore from my backup iOS 7 onto my new iPhone 6. It downloaded all of the music all of the apps but it is being hung up on the photographs. It just keep saying downloading. It has been doing it for two days. I have used your software in the past I'm wondering if it will be helpful again for this situation? Some of the pictures downloaded but only a fraction.
I didn't upgrade the 5s to IOS8 because I didn't have enough room on the 5S.
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hi Jeffrey, it's nice to hear from you. Two days of downloading sounds like a long time! I'd recommend turning off iCloud Photo Library, before turning it back on. That should sort this out. 🙂
di Elsie Leong
I'd extracted out all the files, but how can I restore inside my phone?
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hi Elsie, we've got a guide for that here.
di Morgan Phillips
Good day
I would be very grateful fr a workaround for the issue I face, please. I removed the cable, like an idiot, during a backup process, it was third party software (iBackupBot) and the progress indicator had been stuck at zero for several minutes, i panicked. Right now, I can't back up to or from my device, I am pretty sure it is a corrupted manifest file. Please could you direct me to workarounds for this error:
I realise I have probably boxed this thing, is it even possible to restore a new iOS version?
Thank you in advance Morgan
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hi Morgan, that sounds nasty! We're not experts on iBackupBot, but we can certainly help with your phone. Have you tried a factory reset?
di Avenshen
Hi, hope you can help me. I backed up my old iPhone 5 on iTunes in my laptop as the phone has a hardware defect and needs to be replaced with a new unit. I made sureall was backed up in itunes. I now got the new unit and attemptied to restore the data backed up from the old unit, however, the data restore in iTunes is greyed so I assume the data was lost. Is it still possible to recover all the lost data back up?
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hey Avenshen, I'd guess that's because the newer device is on an older version of iOS than your newer one. If that's the case, an update will resolve the issue. If not, drop us a note and we'll get you sorted out.
di carlo
hi! The files of my ipad get deleted. I already try the backup in itunes, but I dont have any backup there. All files are very important to me. Please help me. THANKS!
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hi Carlo, that doesn't sound good. Have you manually checked your iTunes backup folder? There's guidance on how to find them, here. Failing that, do you have a a backup of your computer in Time Machine, or another backup service?
di Noel
I have just upgraded my Iphone 4 to IOS7 and I lost my pictures and contacts after it got frozen showing the I tunes and USB picture. I was able to restore it, but nomore contacts and pictures in it. I did not back up any of my contacts and pictures. Can I still recoever them?
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hi Noel, that sounds nasty! When you say you were able to restore the phone, I presume you mean from a backup? If so, it's worth looking through that backup with iPhone Backup Extractor to see if there are any traces of your images or contacts. You might get lucky.
di Preau
good morning, my backup(11 G0) is incomplete and encrypted, i have the password. Do your soft can extract any data?
risposta di: Reincubate Support
It certainly can. Try the free version linked to the side of this page, and reach out if you need help.
di Richard
my ipod does not work as it says my ipod back-up has been corrupted and i am unable to sync with itunes
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Reach out to us directly on live chat and we'll guide you through it with a screen-share. 🙂
di Johan Bernow
What if I only can find
? Theinfo.plist
and themanifest.mbdb
is missing. Is there any way to recreate them?risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hi Johan: yes. Move your backup out safely to another folder, and then create a new backup. If the device contents are similar enough, you may be able to reuse those files. Good luck!
di Sonia
I have updated my iphone to ios7 beta release and later on downgraded back to ios 6.1.3. But restore backup is not compatiable. Tried after changing Product version and Build Version in
. But now it says data is corrupt or not compatiable.Please help me to restore my backup data
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Right, this is a problem for a number of users. We can help you patch your messages etc. back into your older database if you drop us a message directly.
di Devin
Hi, some how my iphone backup got corrupted. And so I tried to restore it with another back up, but it was my ipod backup and when i tried restoring it back it said "itunes could not restore the phone because the phone refused the request" and this is frustrating because it wont let me send any messages and all my contacts and stuff are gone.
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hey Devin, drop us a note and we'll give you a hand with your backup. There'll be a way!
di dominic
i want to simply reset my iphone pin to purchase apps for the phone.
i dont require resetting my ios and i dont want to affect the ios, but can iphone extractor reveal the pin if i run it?
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Dominic: see our article on resetting the restrictions passcode for a solution to this.
di Kerry Miller
My iPad had begun to have more and more apps crashed so I took it to the apple store. The genius read the incident report and said I had corrupt files so I needed to plug it into my MacBook and backup it up then reset the device. He said since the file would also be corrupted on the backup that I would need to start new instead of restore the backup.
I did so and now I have a few apps that I have lost data from. I have since been informed that one app can't corrupt the whole iPad because of sandbox. So who do I believe and how do I proceed? I did try restoring the iPad's backup and the problem was still there so I reset and made new and that's where I'm at now.
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Oh no! That's frustrating. Drop us a note directly and we'll help you recover that data. It shouldn't be possible for any of your iOS apps to corrupt your backup.
di nighto
My last backup of my iPhone 5 somehow got corrupted after a failed iOS 6.0.2 upgrade.
I can see all the files in the backup folder but it is missing all the manifest files.
I use iPhone Backup Extractor to review the Backup file and it doesn't recognize the last backup taken before the upgrade.
I would like to know is there a way to recover the last backup?
Thanks Nighto
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Nighto, this is because the previous backup can sometimes get overwritten after the upgrade (Yes, I did say after! And yes, this does happen ever now and then). Without the manifests it can cause issues reading files, but iPhone Backup Extractor can certain find data without the manifests by using the
menu. However if data does exist in the backup, we are experts at extracting, so please contact our help desk for more information.di haider
hey, i am having some problems with understanding how to re-establish all my backed up data back onto my iphone, i was wondering if there is any further help or personal assistance i could receive?
thank you
risposta di: Reincubate Support
Hi Haider, of course! Drop us a note on [email protected] and we'd be happy to set up a screens-share to guide you through it.